• Projects

    Ramadan Mosque

    Every year I do my best to make Ramadan a special month in our household. My goal is to help my kids understand the importance of the holy month. Growing up in a large family, Ramadan was always special. It was a time that my siblings and I really bonded, at least now I see it that way. We struggled together, competed on who could fast without cheating and looked forward to the feast my mother prepared for us. Looking back it brings me so…

  • Projects,  Story Time


    2020 is finally coming to an end and the new year is almost here. I’m usually excited for the start of a new year but I’m not expecting much from 2021. Yes it’s sad, because I don’t think I’m alone in this feeling. Everything is slowly shutting back down again, schools are opening up and not opening, it’s all just blah. Lately, I have been diving into project after project, just trying to give my days some sort of purpose. I find myself devoting each…

  • Projects,  Story Time

    What do You Love to do?

    Its easy to loose yourself once you have had children. You can get completely consumed by their wants and needs, that you can forget who you are and what makes you happy. I actually have gone through quite a few phases to really pin point what I like. There was the sewing phase. Turns out it’s not easy and I can only sew straight lines and a zipper successfully. So I know how to make pillows and that’s about it. Don’t get me wrong I’m…

  • Projects,  Sensory Needs

    Playhouse Bunk Beds

    My kids are unlike most kids I know. They each have their own rooms and yet they still choose to sleep next to each other. They generally will rotate from room to room, depending on who goes to bed first. I am sure one day this will change but for now, I think its adorable. I started looking at bunk beds so that they would be more comfortable all in the same room. It was hard. Had to rule out a lot of beds because…

  • Projects

    Ramadan Mosque

    Every year I do my best to make Ramadan a special month in our household. My goal is to help my kids understand the importance of the holy month. Growing up in a large family, Ramadan was always special. It was a time that my siblings and I really bonded, at least now I see it that way. We struggled together, competed on who could fast without cheating and looked forward to the feast my mother prepared for us. Looking back it brings me so…

  • Projects

    Home School Bus Fail

    Homeschooling has always been something I have thought about, but never wanted to do completely. I have already done early intervention for my son, with therapists in out, five days a week. It was draining…But taught me so much. I have a basic communication board in place, with a schedule and chores to be done. My home is set up for in home learning but I always had help. With two kids in school and two too young for school, I was able to keep…