Sensory Needs

Indoor Swings

Sensory, sensory, sensory needs. Living in NY, there are so many different obstacles you have to go through to keep your kids entertained. The weather, the traffic, parking and lack of local indoor playgrounds. Of course there are some. My sons favorite is We Rock the Spectrum.

Which is absolutely amazing. But with four kids and a busy schedule, getting there was pretty hard to do. And my little man needed sensory all the time. So a sensory area in my home was the best solution.

The Rock Climbing Wall was a great start to a sensory room, but not enough. The swing has always been my sons favorite. An Indoor Swing is essential in any sensory gym and with four kids I needed more than one. I also liked the idea of having different types of swings.

So this is what I did,

I highly recommend you ask for help with this, someone who knows what they are doing. This has to be done right for safety concerns and for the integrity of your home. My ceilings not only have electrical wire, I also have a sprinkler system built in. So I enlisted the help of John again for this.

Once I decided where I wanted the swings to be, a small square of the dry wall on the ceiling was cut out. We were able to take a peak at what was going on up there. He was able to see exactly where the beam was and which direction it was going in. He then cut out the ceiling just enough to fit a 2′ x 6″ all the way across and drilled it into the beam. Perfect!

I painted the wood white to match the ceiling and then drilled several swing hooks to the wood. I used these hooks as well as

By adding a piece of wood all the way across, I’m able to add as many swings as I can fit and switch them up as needed. Some of the swings I use are

After some time there will be some settling that will occur and will cause some extra spacing to happen between the wood and dry wall of the ceiling. So grab some white caulk and a caulking gun works like a charm.

What do you think???

Subscribe below for ideas on Floor Pillows to make sure your swings are safe for your little ones.